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Margarita Island Beaches .info
All about beaches on Isla Margarita, Venezuela

Beaches menu
- north -
Playa El Agua
Playa Parguito
Playa Manzanillo
Playa Puerto Viejo
Playa Puerto Cruz
Playa Zaragoza

- east -

- west -
Playa Caribe
Juan Griego beach
Playa Galera
La Guardia

- south -
Playa El Yaque

- Macanao -
Punta Arenas
La Restinga

- Special -
Art at Playa El Agua
Satellite maps!


Satellite maps of Margarita island and its beaches

This satellite map is from Google Maps. The image data Google Maps is using is not current but between 1-5 years old. But it's lots of fun anyway!

You can zoom in or out in the map by clicking on the 'scale'. Use the up/down/left/right arrows to move around anywhere else on the island.

The links below take you to a satellite view of the various beaches on Margarita island.

Playa El Agua
Playa Parguito


Beaches menu
- north -
Playa El Agua
Playa Parguito
Playa Manzanillo
Playa Puerto Viejo
Playa Puerto Cruz
Playa Zaragoza

- east -

- west -
Playa Caribe
Juan Griego beach
Playa Galera
La Guardia

- south -
Playa El Yaque

- Macanao -
Punta Arenas
La Restinga

- Special -
Art at Playa El Agua
Satellite maps!


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All rights reserved. Photos copyrighted.   Privacy policy   Contact us
Margarita Island Beaches